30% CAT Quants Question from these topics | Sure way to clear CAT QA cut offs for IIMs
Hey everyone! This post is dedicated to all the aspirants who have a quants phobia. I have done a detailed analysis of the past 12 years of CAT papers and I have noticed that a particular segment holds a great value and at least 30% of the paper is made up of this segment. This is one of the favorite segments of IIM A and since IIM A is setting the paper this year you can expect 25%-30% of the question from here.
If you practice this segment for the next 4 months, I can guarantee you’ll be able to clear your CAT cut off provided you do this in depth. This segment is called ARITHMETIC and is a very important and must do segment. Some sure shot topics are: –
- Percentages
- Ratio & Proportion
- Profit & Loss
- Mixtures & Allegations
- Averages
- Time, Speed & Distance
- Time & Work
From the above topics you’ll find 8-10 questions in the CAT paper. When we talk about 2017 which was conducted by IIM L who are keen on diversity the LOD was reduced and you could’ve solved 8-10 questions mentally. In 2018, 6 questions from arithmetic were doable and you could’ve scored 80%le easily.
Percentages and ratio & proportion are topics which are extremely important as it will be useful to you in DILR as well. You can leave topics like TSD and Time & Work if you find them too heavy. LOD is very high for such topics so I would suggest you to leave these topics if you’re not pro in quants.
Previous year (2020) paper analyses indicates that you could’ve scored roundabout 92%le from solving 8 questions. This is the reality and a lot of aspirants find it hard to digest these facts. Guys understand this CAT is all about quality and not quantity. You have 4 months and these topics are doable and completely formula oriented. I would suggest to start from a basic level and get a hold of the concepts and then move on to advance and challenger level. Even if you do basic and advance level you are sorted.
If you do these topics in depth, I can assure you that you’ll be able to overcome your quants phobia. I would suggest you to stick to the “AAG” strategy which is Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry. This is more than enough for you to crack QUANTS.
For detailed explanation kindly checkout my YouTube video!!
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